Philanthropic Impact Investment


What is Philanthropic Impact Investment?

Philanthropic Impact Investment is using charitable donations as investments into organizations and companies to create a beneficial social or environmental impact together with a financial return. This double bottom line concept - fiscal and impact accounting - creates dynamic solutions to many problems with better long-term development than traditional gifting.

Impact investment uses a business-model to create self-sustaining solutions. SharedImpact funding from your charitable giving provides the capital to push this process forward.   


SharedImpact - what do we do?

SharedImpact is a charitable organization dedicated to making impact investment as easy as possible.

We curate a platform of charitable Impact opportunities integrated with an online DAF (Donor-Advised Fund) 
account system to make your life as a donor a lot easier.


Our Ethos

We believe that social investment can play a central role in transforming civil society, empowering more local communities, enabling more social enterprises to deliver public services, and establishing more financially resilient charities.

We offer a range of financial intermediation services for individual philanthropists, corporate foundations, and charities and social enterprises. Three key features of our approach differentiate us: our client focus, our multi-specialism and our market strategy.

Read more in our
Handbook for Impact Investors.





Personal giving & philanthropy


Giving for Wealth Advisors


Impact Investment recipients


A simple but powerful tax efficient
way to make charitable investments.
Build your own Foundation account.
Get an immediate tax deduction and
decide on deployment later.

Learn more about personal giving ▸


Maintain your relationship with your
clients and increase your AUM 
pending deployment. Your clients can
use appreciated assets to maximize 
their tax advantages and their Impact.

Impact DAFs for Wealth Advisors ▸


We have a large portfolio of approved 
impact investment opportunities and
accept applications for new Impact
investments from interested donors &
qualifying organizations.

How to get listed in the portfolio ▸


Getting started with Philanthropic Impact Investment

SharedImpact enables you to make meaningful impact investments with your philanthropic capital and take advantage of all the tax relief available whether you are resident in the USA, in the UK or Hong Kong.

To make it as easy as possible to get started in what can be the complex world of Impact investment SharedImpact has created a number of Funds made up of a curated selection of social and environmental impact opportunities. These Funds are managed by SharedImpact and financial gains are aggregated to the fund as a whole. These funds are a very efficient way to promote impact and do not attract any personal account reporting costs. SharedImpact offers a General Fund with investments made across the board. We also offer Feature Funds, with impact investments restricted to a specific theme or region. We currently offer Feature Funds in Health, Education, Africa and Asia. You can find out more below.



Get Started today...

... open your account now ▸


Make a Donation to SharedImpact - Help us Grow

SharedImpact is on a mission to radically change the way philanthropic capital is used to fund social impact and charitable enterprises.

By choosing to donate your philanthropic capital to the SharedImpact Growth Fund you’ll be part of a movement to deliver real change in how social impact and charitable enterprises are funded, managed and held accountable.

Join us today with a donation into the SharedImpact Growth Fund. ▸


Impact Investment Opportunities

SharedImpact has a large portfolio of qualified impact opportunities. These are a full range of organizations and funds from this country and around the world, and in many sectors. These range from charities that are looking for loan finance but are unable to access conventional debt arrangements, through to organizations in emerging markets where the simple creation of employment can have life changing impact. We also give donors access to invest their philanthropic capital in large Impact projects, and access to Impact Bonds and other financial instruments that underpin the rapidly expanding Impact investment space.


More ways to make Impact 

Regional Feature Funds


Sector Feature Funds

There are no account set-up fees or reporting fees on Feature Fund donation investments.

  Individual accounts

Personal account

Impact investment simplified.

Choose from the General Fund or one of the Feature Funds.

No minimum donation. No set-up fees.

Open your own Personal account now ▸

Your Personal Foundation 

Create your own Impact investment fund by selecting from our portfolio of pre-approved opportunities.

Introduce new Impact investment opportunities.

Donate appreciated assets for maximum tax efficient philanthropic effect.

Find out more about creating your own Personal Foundation Account ▸


SharedImpact makes it possible to make grants to qualifying charitable organizations all around the world.

Discover how to make Grants to organizations ▸

How to suggest new organizations to be added to the SharedImpact portfolio ▸


Dual Tax Benefits

Donors in the UK or in Hong Kong who are US citizens can get tax relief in both tax regimes.
For example, a US citizen resident in the UK could get a full tax deduction from the IRS, 
plus Gift Aid from the UK HMRC and a tax rebate on their higher-rate tax payment.

Discover more about dual-qualified tax relief ▸




Corporate accounts


Corporate purpose philanthropy

SharedImpact offers an exciting new way to work with charities and social enterprises. Corporate purpose philanthropy builds long-term social capital and engagement. 

SharedImpact provides an alternative to the simple dependency culture of grants and donations by using loans to help charities grow sustainably with social investment.   


Employee engagement

We use your generous donations to intelligently lend funds to charities, filling a financing void left by the banks.  Once you have made your donation, you can get your employees involved.

They can be ‘given’ a portion of the donation to manage, and top up if they wish, allocating funds among the charities you have chosen to support.

Learn more about SharedImpact Corporate services ▸

  Contact us...

For further information about SharedImpact and the work we do:
Please contact us here ▸












Copyright 2012-2024 SharedImpact. All Rights Reserved.  'SharedImpact' is a Registered Trademark.
UK Registered Charity No: 1145471, Company Limited by Guarantee, No 7551618,
UK Registered Office: Devonshire House, 60 Goswell Road, London EC1M 7AD
US Registered 501(c)(3) Public Charity, SharedImpact Foundation:1345 Avenue of the Americas, 2nd Floor, New York, NY

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