SharedImpact is on a mission to radically change the way philanthropic capital is used to fund social impact and charitable enterprises.
By choosing to donate your philanthropic capital to the SharedImpact Growth Fund you’ll be part of a movement to deliver real change in how social impact and charitable enterprises are funded, managed and held accountable.
Donate to SharedImpact
Help us grow Philanthropic Impact Investment opportunities.
Your tax deductible gift to SharedImpact will ...
help us increase the number of opportunities in the Portfolio
help us improve the SharedImpact Platform
increase the amount of outreach we can do
empower more social and environmental organizations
Copyright 2012-2025 SharedImpact. All Rights Reserved. 'SharedImpact' is a Registered Trademark. UK Registered Charity No: 1145471, Company Limited by Guarantee, No 7551618, US Registered 501(c)(3) Public Charity, SharedImpact Foundation:1345 Avenue of the Americas, 2nd Floor, New York, NY