About the GCP Foundation The GCP Foundation’s mission is to alleviate poverty in Africa by using renewable energy. We align our work with the Sustainable Development Goals – namely: 1 - Alleviate Poverty Our target countries are Nigeria, Kenya, Mozambique and Ghana. We have completed our pilot project replacing kerosene lamps with hand-held solar lightbulbs to 500 women in Northern Ghana. Introduction (pdf) Donations options We are extremely grateful for your donations, and are keen to ensure you obtain the fullest tax deductions possible to recognise your generosity. To do this we have partnered with SharedImpact - a non-profit itself - to provide several donation options depending on your tax status. Please click on an option below to ensure we give you the appropriate tax receipts: I pay tax in the US I pay tax in the US Get a tax receipt for your US tax filing For amounts over $ 3000 please contact SharedImpact for alternative payment methods, to keep transfer charges down. I pay tax in both the US and the UK (or just in the UK) I pay tax in both the US and the UK (or just in the UK) Get two tax receipts - one for each jurisdiction, and we can claim UK GiftAid (a 25% uplift on your donation from the UK Government) For amounts over GBP 2000 please contact SharedImpact for alternative payment methods, to keep transfer charges down. I pay tax in Hong Kong (or in both Hong Kong and US) I pay tax in Hong Kong (or in both Hong Kong and US) Please contact SharedImpact for bank details (we don't yet handle online donations for Hong Kong for regulatory reasons)
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