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TBLI Foundation

TBLI Foundation

TBLI is dedicated to promoting the redesign of the financial sector towards integrity of management and eco-effectiveness in order to achieve a more sustainable and social economy.


TBLI Foundation (Stichting TBLI) is a foundation under Dutch law, supporting educational projects and conferences with the aim of raising awareness of sustainable finance and sustainable businesses within the financial community, among investors and the general public.

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Social Impact

The video above is not what we want, that is why we have created TBLI-Triple Bottom Line Investing.

Our Approach

For nearly 20 years, TBLI Group has been building an ecosystem for the Impact Investing and Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) community, providing advisory, educational services and networking events.

TBLI Group’s signature event TBLI CONFERENCE is the longest-running global forum bringing together investors, asset managers and thought leaders in sustainable finance. TBLI events are for networking, peer-to-peer learning and finding new business opportunities. More than 30 TBLI CONFERENCES have been held in Europe, North America, Asia and Latin America.

TBLI has helped raise significant capital for investment by introducing new business partners and investors. In addition. TBLI has worked with The Carbon Disclosure Project, SWIFT, NYSE Euronext, the European Union and institutional investors such as ABP Pension Fund to raise awareness, address particular issues or get projects of the ground.

Moving forward: TBLi Foundation

We have decided that a nonprofit foundation is the optimal structure to enable us to respond more effectively and comprehensively to the needs of the growing ESG & Impact Investing global community. 

TBLI Foundation (Stichting TBLI) has been created under Dutch law. Our mission is to mobilize money flows into ESG and Impact Investing, by offering conferences, educational services and investor research and tools.

Starting in 2014, TBLI Foundation will financially support TBLI Conferences. Content from the ongoing conference series will be more broadly available to investment professionals and the public via reports, webinars, white-papers and video interviews. Partnerships with educational institutions and like-minded nonprofits will also be created. The geographic scope of the conferences will expand to emerging markets.

Importantly, the Foundation will implement a digital model to facilitate access to content and interactions among participants in the community.

TBLI Foundation is establishing academic partnerships with selected leading international business schools to host the conferences, with participation expanded to include students and alumni. To date, TBLI academic partners include Insead,  NYU Stern, Wharton  BI-Norwegian School of Management, Copenhagen Business School, Hult Business School, Free University Amsterdam, Kellogg School of Management, Booth School of Business  and several others  who will be confirmed shortly.


TBLI will continue to work on integrating sustainable finance into the business school curricula for students undergraduate, graduate executive education students in Europe, Asia and the North America, initially.
TBLI will create an online membership platform to allow those looking for funding, strategic partners, investments, etc. to easily find what they need and thus increase money flows in sustainability.

What We are Asking of Donors?

I am asking you to become a TBLI Founder, Patron, Supporter, or Friend. Financial support will help us scale up our work and evolve our operating model. We are seeking 
$ 100.000 to support our implementation of a nonprofit structure combining digital tools with conferences and content produced in partnership with academic institution partners. That initial funding will enable the Foundation to begin generating sufficient revenue to become self-sustaining. 

Support TBLI Foundation

Those who make a donation will be clearly recognized as TBLI Patrons, TBLI Supporters, and TBLI Friends.
Levels of Giving:
    • TBLI Founders- Euros 5000+
    • TBLI Patrons- Euros 2500+ up to 5000
    • TBLI Supporters-Euros 1000+ up to 2500
    • TBLI Friends- Euros 250 up to 1000
If you require a tax efficient channel, TBLI has partnered with the global donor-advised fund SharedImpact to offer individual supporters of TBLI in the United Kingdom and the United States a tax-efficient channel through which they can make donations to TBLI.

UPDATE January 2016

In January 2014, we created TBLI FOUNDATION. Now, after almost two years, we are taking stock of what we have accomplished and are planning new projects. 

Our Goals

First of all, we would like to thank all our wonderful supporters, who enabled us to work towards the goals we set for TBLI FOUNDATION:

Expanding the number of events and moving to new regions,
Deepening our cooperation with business schools world-wide to welcome more students to the debates at TBLI CONFERENCE,
Promoting learning on ESG & Impact Investing by making the content of the TBLI CONFERENCE series available to a larger audience (videos, reports, interviews).

What we achieved

8 Events on 3 Continents with 1500 Attendees from
52 Countries and 400+ Speakers in 120 Sessions

In 2014 and 2015, we quadrupled the number of conferences per year and expanded to the US, Latin America, and the Nordic region. The TBLI CONFERENCES in Singapore, Buenos Aires, Chicago, New York, Oslo, Copenhagen, Amsterdam and Zurich attracted a regional audience with the mix of investors, asset managers, entrepreneurs and advisors/facilitators that is so typical and unique for TBLI events.

Also, a growing number of social entrepreneurs joined us to present their companies and projects to the TBLI investor community. The HUB in Amsterdam and Singapore, Impact Invest Scandinavia, as well as Clentech Open helped us tremendously in achieving this.




This is a grant. Grants do not provide a financial return back to your account.




Transaction restrictions:

Minimum: £2500.00
In multiples of: £1.00

TBLI Foundation

Impact sectors:

Capacity building
Impact locations:




Support with SharedImpact:

It's flexible - we lower the usual minimums to let you spread your support to many causes.

It's easy - no need to call, email or discuss with an advisor.

It's charity - as a Registered Charity we ensure your donations are used efficiently.

It's assured - years of impact investment, financial and technical expertise combined.

It's expert - as the inventors of the secondary market for social investments you know you're in good hands.

It's yours - we're here for you. No shareholders. No parent corporate. Simply charity.

Helping you manage the gift that keeps on giving



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