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Student Funder

Donation crowdfunding platform for students in the United Kingdom is an online crowdfunding platform for education. It helps individuals and institutions pool funds to support campaigns initiated by students. We believe a hand-up is better than a hand-out, and thus, through StudentFunder everyone wins. Students get support and offer their funders something in return.


Every year, over 250,000 people miss out on UK further and higher education for lack of funding. StudentFunder removes financial barriers to education using crowdfunding. is the first dedicated loan and donation crowdfunding platform for students in the world.

StudentFunder uses crowdfunding as a tool to enhance the risk profile of students as borrowers and helps them gain access to credit. Students who can raise at least £2,000 from over 20 people may become eligible for a loan of up to £7,000. Additionally, the student may receive a £1,000 scholarship if the university is working in partnership with StudentFunder.

Social Impact

We aim to improve access to education, employment and enterprise.

Your money will go into StudentFunder's loan pool. It will then be lent on to students at no interest. These loans are perpetual scholarships that will benefit students sustainably, not just a one-off. Your donation will be recycled to benefit many people.

We make it easier for people to invest in each other's future and contribute to their fullest potential.

Every year thousands of students fail to enroll or drop out of their courses due to lack of funds. This is a barrier to social mobility and a terrible waste of potential. Helping inspiring individuals gain access to education can really make a big difference not just to that person’s life, but to our society as a whole. Imagine what society could attain if more and more people who had crowdfunded their education sat on the boards of banks, launched disruptive businesses, or wrote policy.

It may take a village to raise a child, but it only takes one student to lift a village.


*This is a grant.  Grants do not provide principal or a financial return back to your account.




Transaction restrictions:

Minimum: £1.00

Student Funder

Impact sectors:

Impact locations:




Support with SharedImpact:

It's flexible - we lower the usual minimums to let you spread your support to many causes.

It's easy - no need to call, email or discuss with an advisor.

It's charity - as a Registered Charity we ensure your donations are used efficiently.

It's assured - years of impact investment, financial and technical expertise combined.

It's expert - as the inventors of the secondary market for social investments you know you're in good hands.

It's yours - we're here for you. No shareholders. No parent corporate. Simply charity.

Helping you manage the gift that keeps on giving



Copyright 2012-2023 SharedImpact. All Rights Reserved.  'SharedImpact' is a Registered Trademark.
UK Registered Charity No: 1145471, Company Limited by Guarantee, No 7551618,
UK Registered Office: Devonshire House, 60 Goswell Road, London EC1M 7AD
US Registered 501(c)(3) Public Charity, SharedImpact Foundation: 575 Lexington Avenue, New York NY 10022
SharedImpact Foundation (HK) Limited is a Section 88 charitable institution registered in Hong Kong.