Impact sectors  
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North America

Central America

South America

Western Europe

Eastern Europe

Product types

RSF Social Finance

Social Investment Fund
Investment fund

Social finance intermediary

RSF Social Finance (RSF) is a financial services organization dedicated to transforming the way the world works with money. In partnership with our investors and donors, RSF has made over $250 million in loans and $100 million in grants since 1984 to for-profit and non-profit social enterprises working in the areas of Food & Agriculture, Education & the Arts, and Ecological Stewardship.


Capital from the RSF Social Investment Fund is deployed through RSF's Core Lending Program which offers mortgage loans, construction loans, equipment loans, and working capital lines of credit exclusively to non-profit and for-profit organizations dedicated to improving the well-being of society and the environment.

RSF Social Finance supports enterprises working in one of three focus areas: Food & Agriculture, Education & the Arts, and Ecological Stewardship. All borrowers are are carefully screened to meet specific criteria exhibiting the utmost commitment to people, place, and environment.

Investment Criteria

RSF invests 100% of its assets in mission-driven organizations seeking positive social and environmental impact. Specifically, RSF's investment thesis is focused on supporting the following values:

  • Direct: RSF seeks to invest with as few layers of financial intermediation as possible. Intermediaries should provide clear and compelling value, ideally with respect to both financial and social impacts.
  • Transparent: RSF will not invest in enterprises or financial vehicles that are unable or unwilling to provide complete information on the use of invested funds and the criteria employed to make investments or spending decisions. RSF must feel confident in its understanding of how its investment will be put to use.
  • Personal: RSF seeks to invest in enterprises and financial vehicles that demonstrate a commitment to building relationships with stakeholders. RSF should be able to know and communicate with the individuals responsible for managing each of its investments.
  • Long-Term Relationships: RSF seeks to invest for the long-term whenever possible. This includes working with financial vehicles that do not seek exit opportunities that will jeopardize the long-term survival of a portfolio investment's values and mission.

Impact Examples

Food & Agriculture

Hana Health |
The mission of Hana Health is to improve the health and wellness of the Moku (district) of Hana, Maui, particularly among Native Hawaiians and those who are underserved due to financial, cultural and geographic barriers. Hana Health and Hana Fresh bring together healthcare, organic farming, and nutrition in a unique approach to community wellness that is a model for contemporary society.

Education & The Arts

Equal Access |
Equal Access, founded in 2001, works in rural and underserved regions in Afghanistan, Nepal, India, Cambodia, and Laos to bring radio programs and outreach activities which foster education and human development, provide leadership training, and generally motivate individuals and communities to work together to create positive social change.

Ecological Stewardship

Permaculture Credit Union |
The Permaculture Credit Union (PCU) pools the financial resources of people who believe in the ethics of Permaculture - care of the earth, care of people, and reinvestment of surplus for the betterment of both. Resources are distributed in the form of environmentally and socially responsible loans and investments. PCU, based in Sante Fe, New Mexico, was founded in 2000 by a group of socially motivated individuals.




We will convert your GBP to USD at 1:1.2726

Transaction restrictions:

Minimum: £786.00 (1000.00 USD)

Social Investment Fund

Impact sectors:

Fair trade
Sustainable agriculture
Impact locations:




Support with SharedImpact:

It's flexible - we lower the usual minimums to let you spread your support to many causes.

It's easy - no need to call, email or discuss with an advisor.

It's charity - as a Registered Charity we ensure your donations are used efficiently.

It's assured - years of impact investment, financial and technical expertise combined.

It's expert - as the inventors of the secondary market for social investments you know you're in good hands.

It's yours - we're here for you. No shareholders. No parent corporate. Simply charity.

Helping you manage the gift that keeps on giving



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UK Registered Charity No: 1145471, Company Limited by Guarantee, No 7551618,
UK Registered Office: Devonshire House, 60 Goswell Road, London EC1M 7AD
US Registered 501(c)(3) Public Charity, SharedImpact Foundation:1345 Avenue of the Americas, 2nd Floor, New York, NY